About me

 Alexander Technique

I am a fully qualified Alexander Technique teacher and a Member of The Society of Teachers of the  Alexander Technique (MSTAT).  

STAT is the oldest and largest professional body for the work of the Alexander Technique, and membership is only following 3 years full-time training and assessment.  In accordance with the rules of STAT, I hold insurance and an enhanced CRB certificate.

NST Bowen (people)

I am a certified Advanced Practitioner of NST Bowen.

Testimonials about NST work

Equine Bowen

I am also a registered practitioner in Equine Bowen Therapy with The European School of Equine Bowen Therapy.  In order to be registered on this list, qualified Equine Bowen Therapists must have graduated from, the European School of Equine Bowen Therapy Diploma Course.  The course consists of extensive practical & theoretical training, 20 equine written case studies, 3 rider written case studies, hundreds of hours of practical work, with a rigorous three part examination pass required to qualify (2 practical & 1 written). The examinations are supervised and marked by a Veterinary Surgeon and a BHSII.

Registration is valid for one year – and in any one year practitioners must:

Attend two CPD (Continued Professional Development) days Hold a valid First Aid Certificate
Have agreed to work within a strict Code of Conduct.


 My experience of the Alexander Technique

In my teens and twenties I rode in eventing competitions and enjoyed legal work as a barrister and then a property solicitor.  However, much as I loved my family life, I found the changes brought by having 3 children in five years hard to accept.

Look where you are going and breathe
Look where you are going and breathe

Instead of adapting to my new family life, I tried hard to keep the elements of my premotherhood unchanged and then added the ideal of being a good mother and wife (as well as employee and competitor) to the tasks I set myself.  I was physically getting less and less flexible and had lots of aches and pains by the end of the day – sore shoulders and headaches were common.

Eventually I realised that it is unsustainable trying to be perfect, and not much fun for those around me either.  The Alexander Technique helped me find a more balanced way, both mentally and physically and as a result I felt much easier with myself and my family – to everyone’s benefit!

By trying less hard, I am able to achieve my goals with less effort and a better overall result .  My old ways of going about life were counter-productive, and the Technique helped me explore new ways that are more effective, and efficient, leaving me more energy at the end of the day.

I had not realised how much tension that I carried without knowing it, just because it is something I was familiar with.  The Technique has had a huge impact on how much I enjoy everyday life as well as my sport – even the washing up is now more fun!

Specifically, my breathing has improved, along with my stamina and general resilience to the ups and downs of everyday life.  I no longer get headaches and tight shoulders, and I am much more flexible, physically and mentally which allows me to take life with a more creative outlook when I choose.

Instead of focusing on achieving particular aims, I am enjoying the view along the way as well.  I now feel that I have more time to relish life rather than fighting against deadlines.

The benefits of the Technique are many and diverse – different for everyone.  I have been fortunate to enjoy a varied and rigorous education, but in learning to apply the principles of the Technique  I have had to think more clearly and challenge myself to be clear about the way I think, than in any other sphere of my life.

I wholeheartedly recommend it to everyone!