How do you want to be?
What do you want to see?
Re-engage your choices in daily life
As replacement parts are hard to get, it’s a good idea to look after ourselves now, before things deteriorate.
The Alexander Technique helps you understand what you are doing that might be getting in your way, and through this, many more choices open up to do things in a different way. It is a way to feel better and move in a more relaxed and comfortable way – the way nature intended. You use less effort and learn how to avoid unnecessary mental and muscular tension during everyday activities.
“Completely different to anything I have tried before, so different to yoga but just as relaxing. It was the complete lack of effort that amazed me!”
“I find it fascinating the amount of tension I hold that I didn’t realise,
and how easily this technique helps release it.”
The Alexander Technique helps all ages with:
- Calmness and resilience
- Improved poise and good posture
- Movement with grace and eas
- Greater mobility and stamina
- Clear thinking and effective communication
- Natural confidence and enjoyment of life
- Performance in any sphere – sports, artists, musical, presentation
“We already notice, with growing amazement, very striking improvements in such diverse things as high blood pressure, breathing, depth of sleep, overall cheerfulness and mental alertness, resilience against outside pressures, and in such a refined skill as playing a musical instrument.”
Professor Nicholas Tinbergen, Nobel Prize winner for medicine and physiology
It is a simple and practical method to understand how our bodies can work more freely and easily.
We know that when we don’t use our bodies well, we don’t feel so lively generally. The way we think about what we are doing has a direct effect on how well we coordinate ourselves and how we move mirrors how we feel too
During our lives, most of us develop postural habits that affect how we feel and our ability to perform well at any activity.
Slumping on comfy chairs, stooping over the washing up and everyday activities such as driving and sitting at the computer can set up a pattern that plays out with sore shoulders, stiff joints and head and back aches, to begin with. Where injuries and stress come our way the recovery time can be longer if we do not use ourselves in good coordination.
Reclaim the coordination between your thoughts and your actions
Anything we do can be improved with better balance and coordination, and so the Technique has a diverse range of benefits, some more direct than others.
Many people come to the Alexander Technique to help with conditions such as back and neck pain, sciatica, anxiety and stress, and some are simply interested in finding out more about how to go about their day with ease and fluidity as a way of life.
Learning to use the Alexander Technique will improve your posture, poise and flexibility of movement. It improves breathing, clarity of thought, and your ability to handle life’s stresses so that you can be more relaxed, confident and maintain your health.