The Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique
The “go-to” website for the Alexander Technique in the UK.
Information about the history of F M Alexander’s work and how it can be put into practise. Insights into how the Technique can help in many different activities:
posture related pain
improved breathing
sport and fitness
in the workplace
for self development
during pregnancy
for children and young people
NST Health
NST Health Blog is a community resource bringing together experts from spine and back pain niche to share their knowledge, expertise and opinions for everyone interested in holistic health, spinal and structural therapy as well as back pain relief. was founded by Michael Nixon-Livy in 1991 and is a highly effective treatment of lower back, neck and spinal conditions for rapid pain relief and improved health.
The Complete Guide to the Alexander Technique provides the most comprehensive source for information about the Alexander Technique on the web. Information, thoughts and contributions about the Alexander Technique from around the globe.